Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Guess what day it is!?!?

Happy Wednesday!!! In honor of Hump day today is Jump Day. Let's jump for joy because we are almost to the weekend!

Guess what day it is?!?!?! JUMP DAY!!! 

Complete each exercise for 1 minute before resting for 20 seconds and moving to the next. To progress the intensity of this workout don't allow yourself any rest between exercises. 

Jump Rope
   Bicycle Crunches 
Squat Jumps
   Side Plank (left) 
Jump Rope 
   Side Plank (Right) 
Lunge Jumps 
   Exercise Ball Crunches 
Jump Rope
   Knee-to-chest Plank
   Reverse Crunches 
Squat Jumps
   Exercise Ball Crunches (left side only)
Lunge Jumps 
   Exercise Ball Crunches (right side only)
Jump Rope 
   Weighted Crunch using 15-lb. dumbbell 

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