Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Did you say Burpees? For Breakfast?

In the current world of fitness fanatics, it seems that one is not considered to be fit or "in shape" unless you have done a workout with a least a few burpees. So for those tenacious fitness folk who "love me some burpees" here is a workout for you. To progress this workout complete all burpees with a Bosu ball or added weight (if available).

Burpees for Breakfast
20 minutes AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 

5 Burpees
   10 Squats
4 Burpees
   15 Sit-ups
3 Burpees
   10 Push-ups
2 Burpees
   20 Mountain Climbers
1 Burpee

Please participate in workouts based on your own physical capabilities. For questions or concerns regarding your physical abilities to exercise consult your doctor. 

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