Friday, August 28, 2015


The weekend has arrived! Time to kick back and sweat out the stress of the work week. Just because we relax and rest a little on the weekends doesn't mean it is time to forget about your goals. Stay focused and try to avoid those sugar filled, veg, binge watching weekends. 

Dirty 30 

30 Box Jumps
30 Push-ups
30 Kettlebell Swings 
30 Walking Lunges 
30 Knee- to Chest Planks 
30 Push-Press
30 Deadlifts 
30 Wall Balls 
30 Burpees 
30 Double Unders 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Guess what day it is!?!?

Happy Wednesday!!! In honor of Hump day today is Jump Day. Let's jump for joy because we are almost to the weekend!

Guess what day it is?!?!?! JUMP DAY!!! 

Complete each exercise for 1 minute before resting for 20 seconds and moving to the next. To progress the intensity of this workout don't allow yourself any rest between exercises. 

Jump Rope
   Bicycle Crunches 
Squat Jumps
   Side Plank (left) 
Jump Rope 
   Side Plank (Right) 
Lunge Jumps 
   Exercise Ball Crunches 
Jump Rope
   Knee-to-chest Plank
   Reverse Crunches 
Squat Jumps
   Exercise Ball Crunches (left side only)
Lunge Jumps 
   Exercise Ball Crunches (right side only)
Jump Rope 
   Weighted Crunch using 15-lb. dumbbell 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Are You Tenacious?

We all hit rough patches in life. Sometimes these hard times are just a bad day sometimes it last so long that it seems like nothing will ever get better. The important thing to remember during these times is to keep going, roll with the punches and never for get that you are alone. As a community of human beings who are sharing this life experience together we are never alone. There is always someone there willing and able to help you, if you just lift your head enough to look for it.

When it comes to our fitness goals we must keep the same attitude. We cannot get so focused on our own achieving our own personal goals and forget to encourage or celebrate with someone who is struggling to meet their own. So I want you to take some time today and this next week to give someone some encouragement, spark some tenacity in their life, get them pumped up to continue to strive for their goals.

Double Trouble- Buddy Workout

Partner A completes the first exercise while Partner B completes the second exercise until Partner A has completed all reps of his/her exercise. Then partners switch exercises before continue to the next set. For an additional challenge complete all sets twice.

Set 1:

  • 20 Box Jumps
  • Wall Balls
Set 2:

  • 20 Push- Press (20lbs +bar) 
  • Bosu Ball Push-ups  
Set 3:

  • 20 Renegade Plank Rows (15lbs) 
  • Deadlifts 
Set 4:

  • 20 Bicep Curls (20lbs) 
  • Sit-ups  

Set 5:

  • 20 Push-ups 
  • Plank 

Saturday, August 22, 2015


When a lot of people set a goal to achieve weather it is weight loss, muscle gains or a new personal record it is important to not loose sight of the fact you must consciously and continuously make decisions that will allow you to achieve that goal and to continue to live a healthy lifestyle well beyond that goal.

Today' s workout is all about out core. Not only are we strengthening our core muscles but also revisiting the core of who we are and what we are hoping to achieve.


40 crunches
15 push-ups
1 minute planks
30 second side plank ( right)
1 minute bridge
15 push-ups
30 seconds side plank (left)
45 crunches
1 minute raised plank
2 minutes bridge
35 second plank

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Did you say Burpees? For Breakfast?

In the current world of fitness fanatics, it seems that one is not considered to be fit or "in shape" unless you have done a workout with a least a few burpees. So for those tenacious fitness folk who "love me some burpees" here is a workout for you. To progress this workout complete all burpees with a Bosu ball or added weight (if available).

Burpees for Breakfast
20 minutes AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 

5 Burpees
   10 Squats
4 Burpees
   15 Sit-ups
3 Burpees
   10 Push-ups
2 Burpees
   20 Mountain Climbers
1 Burpee

Please participate in workouts based on your own physical capabilities. For questions or concerns regarding your physical abilities to exercise consult your doctor. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Motivation is the Fire Within

When we last desire, energy is low and you just aren't feeling like you it is important to take time to reflex on why you were pushing yourself anyways? Take a few minutes to think about what keeps you moving? What keeps you wanting more? Why do you push through that last rep then do two more?

For some they are trying to lost those last 5 pounds for other it is to keep their mental sanity while at work. For me, I push myself not so that I can increase my 1RM or hit a goal weight. I train hard even on those off days for two reasons. The first is because I always feel better when I at the end of the day I can look back and say that I did everything I could to prepare myself to be the best me for tomorrow. The second is because I want to model a healthy active lifestyle for my son and show him what determination and perseverance looks like when you push through those tough days.

Today I challenge you to write down your motivation for working out. Why do get up at 4:30am to be at the gym by 5am? Why do you do what you do everyday? Keep it someplace easy to see so that on the tough days you can see it and say "time to go get 'em!"

Champion Circuit:  
Jump Squat x10                        Push-ups                  x10
Burpees       x4                          Mountain Climbers  x24
Lunges        x10                        Tricep Dips              x 10
Burpees       x4                          Mountain Climbers  x24
Squats         x10                         Pull-up                     x10
Burpees       x4                           Mountain Climbers x24
                            Repeat 3x's

Please participate in workouts based on your own physical capabilities. For questions or concerns regarding your physical abilities to exercise consult your doctor. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Make Muscles Not Excuses

Today is about making the best of what you have. No matter your physical attitude, what you ate yesterday or your time commitments it is time to stop with the excuses and just go and get sweaty! 

No Equipment, No Excuses, Just Sweat

30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push-ups
25 High Knees
7 Burpees 
10 Crunches 
7 Squats
5 Push-ups 
1 minute wall sit

Repeat 4 times

Please participate in workouts based on your own physical capabilities. For questions or concerns regarding your physical abilities to exercise consult your doctor.