Friday, September 23, 2016


Yeah it is the end of yet another work week. Yeah we are looking forward to just watching netflix and chillin' but you deserve better than that! There are millions of reasons to not have a workout today, but you don't anywhere with excuses. So the reason for my workout today is so that I can healthy, keep chronic health conditions at bay and enjoy along and healthy life with my family. 

Here is simple workout to help you reach your goals. All I ask is that if you do this workout share it with a friend and keep each other accountable. Let me know if you need help with being accountable or working towards your goals! 

20 minutes- no equipment- zero excuses

Before starting this workout complete 1-2 minutes of Jumping Jacks as a warm-up

20 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible ( AMRAP)
  1. 15 Squats
  2. 15 Push-ups
  3. 15 Sit Ups 

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