Friday, September 30, 2016


Be Stronger Than Yesterday! This quote can resinate with me both physically, mentally and emotionally. So on the Flex Friday remember to not only flex and show off your muscles but look inside and see your mental and emotional strength!

Flex Friday Workout: Fight like a Girl
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 6 minutes/ per Round

Round One:
10 Squats
10 Push-up
10 Leg Lifts
10 Crunches

Round Two
12 Plank Jacks
12 Dips
12 Alternating Lunges

Round Three
15 Jumping Jacks
15 Bicep Curls
15 Overhead Presses

Round Four
15 Bicycle Crunches
10 Burpees
6 Alternating Plank Row

Round Five
10 Squats
10 Shoulder Raises
30 Mountain Climbers

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


When I start to feel stressed, which has been happening more recently the first thing to go is taking care of myself. I stop exercising, start eating quick and easy foods that are not fueling my body and I start eating sweets. I don't think my personal experience in handling stress is unique. However, I have to find a way to break the cycle and it usually is me stopping to realize what am I doing? Why am I letting these outside factors take over my life, derail my goals and make me start over all over again? And you know what, the minute I start exercising, taking time to cook a meal and spend time with my family the things that once seemed like these massive problems causing so much stress don't seem so big and are more manageable. So if you are feeling stressed, remember to stop the negativity and start with something as small as a 5 minute walk to get your endorphins switched around. If you have a few more minutes try this quick 10 minute workout to help breakup the stress of what is going on around you.

10 minute Cardio Destressfest 

1 minute Marching in Place
1 minute Step Side to Side
1 minute Knee Kicks (Alternating)
1 minute Front Kicks  (Alternating)
1 minute Forward Lung (Right Leg)
1 minute Forward Lung (Left Leg)
1 minute Jumping Jacks
1 minute Squats
1 minute Hop on Right Foot
1 minute Hop on Left Foot

How do you reset when things are stressful?

Friday, September 23, 2016


Yeah it is the end of yet another work week. Yeah we are looking forward to just watching netflix and chillin' but you deserve better than that! There are millions of reasons to not have a workout today, but you don't anywhere with excuses. So the reason for my workout today is so that I can healthy, keep chronic health conditions at bay and enjoy along and healthy life with my family. 

Here is simple workout to help you reach your goals. All I ask is that if you do this workout share it with a friend and keep each other accountable. Let me know if you need help with being accountable or working towards your goals! 

20 minutes- no equipment- zero excuses

Before starting this workout complete 1-2 minutes of Jumping Jacks as a warm-up

20 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible ( AMRAP)
  1. 15 Squats
  2. 15 Push-ups
  3. 15 Sit Ups 

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Sometimes we over complicated things. We could be making our workouts seem way to busy and complicated that we talk ourselves out of doing what our body needs. I know for me right now I have been focused on running as I have been training for some races however I have started to neglect all the basics of stability and mobility training that my body has been needing. This is because I have made my workout schedule seem too complicated that I don't have time for it all and something had to give. The truth is that these simple exercised would have only taken less than 5 minutes each day and I would be stronger and running better I just took those 5 minutes to do them.

So I'm going to encourage anyone who is reading this to just keep it simple. A good workout don't have to be some crazy circuit that you can't keep track of or include a new exercise(s) every single time. When you are feeling overwhelmed by the question "what do I want to do for my workout today" just keep it simple and remember that it is better to something small than nothing at all.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Reality check: Who is guilty of going to bed saying "Tomorrow is going to be great, I'm going to wake up and ______ (fill in the blank). For me it is go for a run/ go to the gym/ do that yoga dvd, eat a healthy breakfast etc..."  then when that alarm goes off we hit snooze and say "just 5 more minutes."One hour later we are rushing out the door trying to make a cup of coffee to just get going and there goes our morning. 

I'm totally guilty of this awful cycle. Yes, it is a cycle and yes it is the easy way out of a lot of things however on the days that I force myself to get up and just do it I feel a million times better. So instead of going to bed with determination and waking up dissatisfaction, lets commit to waking up with determination and go to bed with the satisfaction of taking care of ourselves. And remember that tomorrow is a new day only if you make it a new one!  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

#Relax Life is GREAT

Sometimes we are reminded either in very quiet or very loud way that we need to stop being so busy and just relax and enjoy the moment we are in. Today, my goal was to focus on the mind set and it seemed to be a challenge because I kept catching myself thinking about projects like mowing the lawn or what I have to at work tomorrow instead of truly enjoying the moment with my family.

As we wake up to a new week and a long list of to-do's lets remember to stay focused on the moment and enjoy our wonderful life!

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Success in reaching your goals means doing the little things everyday that will help you work towards your goal. For some people that means something as simple as getting out of bed for others it could mean getting that workout in or not having that oh so tempting donut for breakfast. The best part is that no matter how big or small, share your success with others! Celebrate the big and small things because they are all worth it! 

What is your success for the day?