Monday, August 29, 2016


There are times in life when we need to stop and evaluate how much we have to grateful for. I know when I'm starting to feel overwhelmed or feel like nothing I do matters it is great to stop and count my blessing. My two biggest blessing is my little son and husband, while sometimes it might seem like a curse in the end they are blessings.

I'm also increadably thankful for my health. A year ago this weekend I was getting  ready for a knee surgery, unable to walk, care for my son, take care of myself, let alone work to my normal capacity or do the activities enjoy. Today, I'm stronger and healthier than ever before. I have learned patients, compassion and humility.

I challenge you today to take a look at your life and reflect on all thing wonderful things you have to be thankful for because an attitude of gratitude look great on everyone!

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